
Exciting news from gallery Melbye-Konan:

We are happy to annouce that François Martinache is Now part of our gallery after his participation in our exhibition « Mouvement ». François Martinache (born in 1967, live in Lille, work in Roubaix, France), Brings a unique artistic vision that pushes the bounderies between the real and the virtual His incredible talent for combining glitchs, artificial intelligence, and 3D scans create mesmerizing digital art that captivates and inspires.From animation and digital imagery to immersive installations,
François’ work is a testament to his innovative approach and mastery of diverse techniques.
We can wait to showcase more of his groundbreaking work in the future. Stay tuned!

Galerie Melbye-Konan

Mittelweg 169
20148 Hamburg

J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer ma participation à l’exposition «Tout ou partie » au BAR (Bureau d’Art et de Recherche) à Roubaix.
J’y présenterai ma dernière vidéo Technostress.

BAR ( bureau d’art et de recherches)
112 avenue Jean-Baptiste Lebas
59100 Roubaix
Tél. : 03-62-28-13-86
Mobile. : 06-24-64-31-77
email :